Sunday 22 April 2018

Bluebells and Primroses

Haywards Heath to Three Bridges
21 April 2018
28.56+2=30.56km /19 miles
10 people

A gallimaufry of ancient woodland
Interspersed with grass meadows
Rivers  running red with oxide of iron
Viridian grass on the brown earth. 

Bluebells and primroses in flower 
Gave colour to the forest floor
Old hammer ponds shimmered 
Between the trunks of ancient trees.

Forges once used the wood and water
Fashioning guns and ploughshares
From the locally produced iron ore
These forests now stand silently
In memory of an ancient industry
Once common among these forest groves.

Monday 2 April 2018

Clay and Chalk

Clay and Chalk
Dorking to Westhumble
25 March 2018
7 People
31km / 20 miles

Slipping and sliding in the glorious mud
Prehensile clay eating our heavy boots
Sucking us into its slithery profundities
Until we walked uphill to the chalky downs.
Leith Hill was a revelation on that day
Forested slopes and daffodils blooming
The harbingers of spring in full beauty
Presaging the joys of summer to come.
Frost haired winter has been long and cold
His icy arms embraced us in his frigid torpor
Siberian winds and bitterness of Arctic snow
But the Green Man wakes now from his sleep
Blinks,  rubbing his eyes, and looks around
Laughs out loud and chases our blues away.