Sunday 14 February 2016


Tilehurst to Twyford.
Date 13-Feb-16
Actual Distance km 29.20
Actual Distance miles 18.15
Percent Variance from planned 2.82%
People 16
Hours 6.00

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Lissom tree spirits entwined their lithe bodies
While they performed their naked winter dances
In forests with tall trees bereft of leaves
And naiads in the valleys wet their muddy beds.

Lunch at the Reformation in Gallowstree Common
Where we discussed the reign of Henry the Eighth
Eating soup and sandwiches under leadened skies
While steam evaporated from our dampened clothes.

Bare fields had turned to a quaggy slippy morass
And our feet sank ankle deep into the liquid mud
Different kinds of drizzle pattered on our heads
As we walked towards the tattoo parlours of Twyford.