Sunday 26 July 2015

Book Review: The Vorrh by Brian Catling

Adult fantasy based on an idea of French author Raymond Roussel.  Featuring both Raymond Roussel and the photography pioneer Eadweard Muybridge, the novel is set in an African town with European style architecture situated at the edge of an impenetrable forest called The Vorrh.  Features two women who both are involved (differently) with a Cyclops and two hunters who roam the forest looking for each other, one armed with a bow made from his dead lover's bones and the other with a powerful rifle.  There is also a logging operation carried out by semi-human slaves who have almost become part of the Vorrh.

An excellent book about the strangeness of life in general, with beautiful imagery of the Forest and various creatures getting lost in the Vorrh.

The Penumbra

Brief Description Haslemere to Petersfield
Date 19-Jul-15
Actual Distance km 26.70
Actual Distance miles 16.60
People 7
Hours 5.33
View map

Forests like Cathedrals rising perpendicular
To touch the mystical Sun above our heads
Its light penetrating in patches to our feet
A sprawling viridescence of fecund biogenesis.

Lunch in a time-warp with no wi-fi or mobiles
Forced our society into eloquent conversation
Remembering many long-forgotten pleasantries 
We rested our digits, of screen-prodding sick.

Woodlands traversed, hundreds of summers old
Under the penumbra of sessile oak and alder
Sunlight and golden wheat at the forest edge
Made us forget all our discourse of philosophy.

Saturday 18 July 2015

London Bridges Walk

"The 13 Bridges Walk"
11 people
15 July 2015
17km; 11m

Over the Tower Bridge with its thronging crowds
Across the London with its packs of suits
Returning by Southwark to the Tate Modern
London that night milled around our riverside bars.

Over the Millennium Bridge with gawping art lovers
Across the Blackfriars to visit the National
Returning by Waterloo to Cleopatra's Needle
Where people in a park discussed Affairs of State.

Over the Hungerford Bridge with theatre goers
Across the Westminster to the Houses of Parliament
Returning by Lambeth, doing our special walk
The crowds had thinned out, not a spy to be seen.

Over the Vauxhall Bridge with solitary couples
Across the Chelsea to the Park and Peace Pagoda
Albert and Battersea we only crossed virtually
As we hurried by St Peter's to Clapham Junction.